On Remote Work & Startups Adaptation to the Global Crisis #WorkJournal12

Onukogu Favour (@wildflower.eth)
5 min readMar 21, 2020


Hi There,

Welcome to yet another chittering of my experiences online, this week, I wrote about more general things than specific, perhaps because of the evens that were starting to unfold all around the world. You know, I tried to achieve a slice of the goals I set for myself…at least, in a way we were all distracted, weren’t we?
How did you manage to work in the midst of the global unrest, I’d love to know. Kindly share.

Moving forward, some positive things happened nonetheless, I learnt in the midst of chaos, so jump in, let’s hear some good news

As Remote Work is Fast Becoming Mandatory…

LinkedIn is offering it’s Learning Path for free! LinkedIn quickly adapted to rise of teams working from home and created a learning program for people learning how to work remotely, while many industries will suffer, remote work and cashless policies will thrive in the wake of this epidemic, some countries will never go back on remote work policies, so therefore if you have a chance, begin to think about remote work, and any service you can offer related to it.

Dealing With Stress & Anxiety at Work…

Try Autonomous sensory meridian response. I had issues breathing at work so to help calm my nerves I listened to a video on ASMR. Think of it as a massage for your nervous system, you get a tingle, a sensory tingle, at the back of your head, I feel mine like a mild wave from one ear to another, the hairs on your nervous system stand on edge (if there are hairs on your nervous system).

#ASMR provides a sensory tingle “ASMR is triggered by things like whispering voices, paper tearing, and scalp massage. It’s one of the new trend cultures a lot of millennials are adapting too. Would you like to know read an article on the top best Millenial trends, let me know will ya?

New Names, New Startups….

If new startups are being created every day in Africa, in the West startups are created every minute, and with weird names too. Think about Unroll me, or Just in Mind or Mixlr or Wiza & Phantom Buster. But when a startup dares to take up an archetypal name like Ubuntu (which is an African term for humanity towards others) now that’s daring.

The services these startups provide can range from helping people unsubscribe from emails to helping to get valid emails, It’s strange to see what other people consider as a service, while here in Africa, we are still trying to find solutions to our infrastructural problems. What’s one strange startup name you’ve heard lately?

“In response to #Covid-19…

Our company is doing this and doing that. My email was flooded with emails from companies, with all forms of innovative gifts and offers for their customers, it’s pretty interesting to segment those who were using this opportunity to sell more and those who were giving solutions to one of the problems people face right now.

But a few companies/organizations/ startups are rendering valuable resources in these times, and here are some;

  1. Cowrywise taunted us for coming late to the dollar party
  2. VC4A collated a series of grants for #Covid-19 related projects
  3. PhilU will dedicate a set of resources — mini-courses, blogs for small businesses

Audio Generated Content will thrive…

The #stayathomechallenge is giving us a feel of what remote work would look like. It’s something like moving from work to no work to less work to playing to moving around. One thing is certain, people will consume more content, in every form, audio, video and all, startups like Player FM, are innovative enough to compile a list of audio content that people can listen to, expect to see more content around the epidemic, but not news, more like creative ways to deal with stress, anxiety and keep in touch.

HerOwnHero Podcast on the anchor is where I share topics that deal with millennials as they navigate their twenty-somethings, what topic would you like to listen to, let us know here

How are we taking things in Nigeria…?

Panic, we love to panic, and it reminds me of the stampede that led to Mustapha’s death in Lion King. Somebody! Anybody! Help me.

But I visited a clinic in Lagos state, and to think that the system has adapted so much to technology, Everything was recorded in the database, The doctor only had to check my name and number to get my test result after which I was diagnosed and sent to the pharmacist, it was pretty neat and simple.

I’m proud of the Nigerian companies resisting the urge to jump on the panic saga but are rather giving verified information and making painful decisions to combat the spread of the epidemic

  1. Zikoko is giving minute by minute content about the virus and ways to prevent it
  2. Flutterwave is giving Women’s Day Grant is for women-led businesses in Africa
  3. TechCabal continues to load us with daily tech news & benefits

Some wonderful things on the internet…

  • Oh hey content creator; check out to video by silent Nigeria
  • Sometimes YouTube, yes, Youtube create videos, mostly documentaries (check out my top 10 documentaries on Youtube here) Their most recent documentary is in collaboration with Michelle Obama and Girls for Alliance, check it out
  • Standbic IBTC blew my mind away with their adaption of Mayorkun’s set Awon Geng Geng
  • To get verified information and updates on #Convid-19, follow @CDC.org’s Guidelines here

Next week is going to be on a whole new level, a lot of us will be testing remote working for the first time. The future of work moved from standardized offices to co-working spaces to remote work.

Co-working spaces will always have its place, (you can’t work at home all year long). I’m looking forward to the structures that will be put in place and see the companies that will be the most innovative this crisis.

Till then, stay safe guys, remember spreading no information is better than spreading false information

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Onukogu Favour (@wildflower.eth)
Onukogu Favour (@wildflower.eth)

Written by Onukogu Favour (@wildflower.eth)

Hello I’m Favour. A Blockchain Consultant, Founder & Product Manager. I rest at the confluence where science & art meets. https://wildflauwer.hashnode.dev/

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